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Graphic Elisava 2020

Lots of things tend to happen during a graphic.elisava master’s program. Mountains of research. Maybe one or two existential crises. Designing so much that you have nightmares about mismatched hex codes.

In some weird twist of fate, this year’s biggest ‘thing’ ended up being a global pandemic. We were forced to embrace digitalism over presentialism, do more with less, and channel disillusionment into positivity. In school, the lesson comes before the test, but life often takes the opposite approach. We think we’re better for it.


For this year’s degree show we decided to continue the digitalist lifestyle that we’ve come to know. Pills replace name tags, thumbnails replace handshakes, and ingenuity replaces normality in order to illustrate how we view topics like “design ethics”, “comfort”, “manifestos”, and “freedom”.


This is graphic.elisava’s digital Degree Show. Find out more about the program at


Many thanks to this year’s students in the Graphic Design and the Editorial Design master’s degrees. The 2020 graphic.elisava Degree Show – both the platform and the campaign that precedes it – wouldn’t have been possible without the indefatigable work of a group of design students making time for it in the middle of their end-of-year presentations.

On the typeface

Thanks to Non Foundry for letting us use their Non®Natural Grotesk throughout the website and campaign of this digital Degree Show.

Visit to find out more about their work.

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Our passage through space has become transient.

We live in a state of flux, transiting the spaces between and within urban centers, constantly moving towards opportunity.  It marks a new nomadism where even those born and raised in a city will find themselves shifting between this neighborhood and that, into the outskirts, then back to the center, with the impermanence of each situation being the only constant.

Modern urban life has forgotten to the separation between being from and living in.

It’s an environment in which alienation thrives and constants are manufactured artificially.

The places where we live, work, and entertain have become filled with identical comforts – white walls, vintage furniture, hanging plants, a singular culture emerging to compensate for the eradication of the unique.  The identities once painted onto cities and neighborhoods dissolve in the process.

Nathalie Hanna Layla El Meligy

Let's set this shit on fire.